A new stone fruit brand created to help consumers choose the very best.
It started with a simple idea …. what if you could pick the best quality, best-tasting stone fruit from over 1,000 varieties? And what if you could use technology, both in the orchard and in the packhouse, to ensure that each fruit was perfectly picked for maximum flavour? Could the industry be revolutionised? And could more sales be achieved by better helping shoppers avoid disappointment and dissatisfaction with their stone fruit purchase?
At QFM Variety Management, we believed the answer was ‘yes’, so over ten years ago we began the search for the world’s best tasting stone fruit varieties.
Today, we’ve chosen, planted and harvested these superior varieties. And, with a strong focus on consumer satisfaction, we’ve created an exciting new brand that consumers will come to trust for premium stone fruit with maximum flavour – and no disappointment.
Introducing The Chosen Ones®, a premium brand of summer stone fruit, featuring specially selected varieties perfectly picked for quality and flavour.
The Chosen Ones® concept brings Australian stone fruit marketing into a new era. By selecting only the best tasting varieties and picking them at the ‘ripe’ time, we are revolutionising the way stone fruit gets eaten.

About Quality Fruit Marketing…
Ideally located just outside of Renmark, South Australia on the shores of the Murray River, QFM Variety Management boasts the largest stone fruit variety assessment orchard in Australasia – over three hectares. Owned by a small group of like-minded growers, it was this assessment orchard and the amazing spectrum of good quality fruit produced that was the catalyst for The Chosen Ones® brand.
With their delicious eating varieties now planted throughout Australia, Quality Fruit Marketing and sister company QFM Variety Management take great pride in bringing Australia and the world their ready to enjoy stone fruit.

Our New Brand – Designed For Consumers, Chosen By Consumers.
The process from concept to brand completion took over nine months with consumer feedback being sought every step along the way. The Chosen Ones® was the preferred name as it best captured the ‘specially selected from 1,000 varieties’ story. And the tagline, Perfectly Picked for Flavour, accurately describes what the fruit will deliver – superior taste.
Research shows that Australian consumers love their summer stone fruits and three out of every four households buys them. However, until now, purchase has been limited because consumers are often disappointed in the flavour, texture and ripeness of the fruit. This exciting new concept solves that problem.
The Chosen Ones® is a category-changing new brand that offers consumers superior quality, flavour and choice. Look for The Chosen Ones® at independent supermarkets or your local greengrocer. Be sure to ask for them by name – The Chosen Ones®!